Sunday, February 12, 2006

Stuff. Bowling, Shadow Hearts, Digital Devil Saga the list goes on.

Ah, it's been a fine week end. I'm now on the final stretch of Digital Devil saga. Just gotta get a few more mantras and I'll have fully loaded mantra grids and +5 stat points on DDS2. I also got a Saki Swim suit gashapon with a desk for her to sprawl out on. ^_^ Then there's Shadow Hearts. I'm now on the second disk of Covenant and I've now got a samurai.

Today was interesting. Got up, ate breakfast then got my jounals for US History done but my mom gets angry because I didn't have them done sooner. After that I began my 200 calorie marathon on DDR Extreme2. I swear the only good songs on it are Cartoon Heroes, Speed up Betoven(sp), and Butterfly. I hope there are some good secret songs. After that and a shower I had to get ready for a charity bowl-a-thon at the local bowling alley to earn points for the NHS club. I was doing laundry so I had no pants but I was fine with that so I wore shorts but my mom sees me and asks
"where are your pants?"
"In the wash" I say. So she goes to my closet to scare up some pants but not finging any she just shouts out, "You are the most disorganized *something something* Screw NHS" in an enraged fury comparable to a bull who saw red.

Ah well, now I'm enjoying some Dominic Deagen and waiting for anybody to AIM with.


At 8:37 PM, Blogger soopy-kun said...

good stuff... i had a lazy sunday... unless you count some serious time playing Rhapsody as work. ddr extreme 2 has an insane amount of stuff to unlock... but you can only really get it through dance master mode.

and one day... i will find a place to get genshiken gashapon... without ordering an entire case!

(in my dreams)


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